Executive Headteacher and Headteacher Performance Management
We are both experienced Performance Management reviewers and offer a full package of support to trustees and governors to facilitate the PMR of Executive Headteachers and Headteachers.
We have developed a set of documents which support the whole process including:
guidance for trustees/governors
self-evaluation for the Executive Headteacher or Headteacher.
pre-review evaluation by trustees/governors
PMR review report
new objectives including performance criteria and suggestions of how trustees/governors can effectively monitor. There is also an opportunity for the Executive Headteacher/Headteacher to add in their strategic actions which helps trustees/governors to understand the detail underpinning the objectives.
We send out this documentation well in advance of the PMR meeting, facilitate the meeting and complete the write-up of the documentation.
Examples of the documentation are here:
Aide-memoire for governors
Self-evaluation for Executive Headteachers/Headteachers
Evaluation by Trustees/Governors
Blank PMR and new objectives document